#saturdayofficedoodles: rise

#saturdayofficedoodles is Trevor’s crowd-sourced way to pass the time on a slow Saturday at the office. The drawings are currently done on a Google/ASUS Nexus 7 in Autodesk Sketchbook Express, using a thoroughly unimpressive off-the-shelf stylus. Chime in on Twitter with the hashtag above, or send your ideas to @trevor_ccw.     I have risen — dr revenue (@marcOverIt) December 8, 2012 @trevor_CCW there's your doodle — dr revenue (@marcOverIt) December 8, 2012 Perhaps not the most original idea on the planet, but this was fun to draw.    …

One-Sheet: Tauntaun

My sister texted me late last night: What’s the internal temperature of a tauntaun? Now, Nerd Sister, being a nerd, frequently texts me things like this. Recently, it was questions about the Sword of Shannara series and why Kryptonite hurts Superman, being that he’s from Krypton. So I treated it like any of her other questions: with a degree of critical integrity. It would have to keep Luke warm in the frigid wastes of Hoth until Han got the shelter up, right? Hmm. Warm enough that it would maintain human core…

Vanity Project: First Hurdles

No small part of the issue with remastering Star Wars: The Gifted is what’s left of it. There’s no original footage—only the final cut of the film. That means that everything we did to the original tape—capturing, rendering, visual effects, the whole shebang—is there to be worked around. SWTG was shot on NTSC VHS tape, which in and of itself is a poor medium to capture from. Wikipedia tells me that VHS records 333×480 pixels per frame at 30 frames per second. The source footage was captured by Chris in…

Vanity Project

2012-2013 is the 10-year anniversary of the first student film I made. I did choreo, cinematography and visual effects for my buddy Chris’ Star Wars fan film in the second half of grade nine. Armed with a VHS camcorder and Photoshop 6, we put together 17 minutes of fanboy magic that have formed some of my fondest memories of high school. Chris posited in the film that George Lucas was a historian and activist, not a fiction writer, and came to Earth from Coruscant to spread knowledge of the Force and…