Spent some time drawing, measuring, and mathing for one of my many projects tonight. #startrek #makeFollow Trevor on Instagram One of my long-term makes is to build a 24″ starship from scratch. And not a classic ship like the Enterprise. A new ship class, familiar but unique, and featuring a higher level of detail than anything I’ve done before. Something I haven’t done before, though, is to really dive deep into the design and to properly scale the base design (the Excelsior refit, as seen in Star Trek: Generations) up…
Author: trevor
Questions from Facebook: What are Edward Cullen’s thoughts on the new “50 Shades” trailer?
Hit the links at the top of the page to ask us a question on social media, or post a question in the link below!
Make: Saint Walker Statuette
Used my Saint Walker model as the subject for a tutorial in class today. Blog post coming later. #mo365 #makeFollow Trevor on Instagram Spoilers ahead, by the way, for Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #1. My running obsession with Saint Walker, the Blue Lantern, has been documented on the site before. A couple of times. And I would LOVE a Saint Walker statuette for my desk, because it would be nice to be reminded to hope when I’m doing paperwork or lesson prep at midnight (the way I have…
Make: July 21, 2014 at 08:10PM
I often have this idea that a make has to be a scratchbuild, something from nothing — as though the kids also suffer my god complex. I have to remember that the joy of making doesn’t need to be from nothing and that my preconceptions and hangups and methods aren’t the same as theirs. Whistler and the Fish aren’t me, as much as it often seems like they’re picking up my mannerisms and values. And a kit from the craft store, plastic headbands and tape and time with Momma while…
Latest Makes and More
Here’s what I’ve been making, doing, and enjoying lately: Thanks for stopping by! Paddle your own canoe, folks. -Trevor
Make: July 20, 2014 at 01:03PM
A long day yesterday getting rid of junk in the basement means that, as soon as I get the recycling out, I’ll have all the space I need to build my new workbench in August. Excited to have the space for new makes! via http://ift.tt/1jOGZh1
Correction: That Wasn’t Ultron!
Well, it was, but not the Ultron we’re going to get in Avengers 2. When I posted earlier this week about how slick and not Transformers-y the new Ultron design was, I referenced this image: Well, I had pretty well ignored the fact that right below that picture was this one: My motivated thinking led me to believe that this was a dressed-up image for the big splashy cover, a way to get the Transformers audience on board, instead of being the actual Ultron design. But alas, no luck. A little bit…
Make: Having a pocket-sized Moleskine again is great for catching inspiration on the go. #mo365
Having a pocket-sized Moleskine again is great for catching inspiration on the go. #mo365 via http://ift.tt/1sxJVRS
Latest Makes and More
Here’s what I’ve been making, doing, and enjoying lately: Thanks for stopping by! Paddle your own canoe, folks. -Trevor
Avengers 2’s Ultron is a fresh take on movie ‘bots
It’s kind of amazing how little we’ve actually seen of Avengers 2, the follow-up to Joss Whedon’s incredibly successful 2012 superhero mashup flick. You’d think that we would have had more leaks on a production that big. Still, it’s worth the wait. The movie’s villain, Ultron, has finally been revealed, and he looks awesome. He is the anti-Transformer; instead of going the route that director Michael Bay and ILM went with their staggeringly complex robots, some of which bled into Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim, Ultron is a slick, modern throwback to science fiction serial villains…
At the Cottage and Makin’ Paddles
Here’s some of what I was up to at the cottage: Thanks for stopping by! Paddle your own canoe, folks. -Trevor
Beautiful new space sim scratches your retro itch
Look, I’ll level with you. I did not play the Wing Commander games when I was a kid. In the early 1990s, I certainly spent some time with the old Lucasarts flight sim Battlehawks 1942 (if you click through to watch, turn your speakers down), and later sunk some time into X-Wing and sunk many many many hours into TIE Fighter. Suffice to say, I have a lot of nostalgia for old-school flight and space sims, and it’s an itch that hasn’t been scratched for a long time. Enter Wings of…