Make: Kids’ Tron costumes, part 2

We continue our kids’ Tron costumes – this time, printing a pattern on fabric! Time to find out if making a mask for the girls’ Halloween costumes by hand will drive me insane or not. #make #mo365Follow Trevor on Instagram Now that we have the base layers for the girls’ Quorra costumes (simple black long-sleeved T-shirts and leggings), it’s time to start dressing them up. Black duds and EL wire alone do not a costume make. Next step: patterning the base layer. If you look at the super-suits from the…

Make: kids’ Tron costumes, part 1

Testing whether the length of the EL wire I ordered (3m each!) will work for the girls’ Quorra costumes. Other than losing the arms, it looks like it’ll work great. #make #Halloween #cosplay #lovemakeshareFollow Trevor on Instagram It’s an early(ish) start to the kids’ costumes this year. In my past couple of Halloweens, I’ve scratchbuilt Whistler a pink Batgirl costume (that same year, I did a Supergirl costume for NJ and an Arkham City Batman costume for myself) and subsequently watched my girls wear store-bought costumes with the grim realization that I…

Get Outside and Save the Planet This Weekend – 6 Reasons Why You Should Be Playing the ARG Ingress with Your Kids

Ingress by Nantic Labs at Google

“Going for a walk” is way less lame when you’re saving the world in the process. There’s only so much hiking a kid will ever want to do (mine will cap out from boredom pretty quickly, even though they have endurance in spades), until the next portal they need to capture is almost two kilometres away. Then, they SPRINT THE ENTIRE WAY. “Why did we come here?” always has a sweet answer. “Because THE RESISTANCE NEEDS US” is more effective at convincing a child than “Because there are pretty trees and…