Happy Easter! Unlike every other site on the internet, we won’t be deluging you with egg-related makes and stories. Instead, here are a few awesome things I’ve stumbled across on the internet over the last week or so that, if you’re anything like me, you’ll be absolutely psyched to check out.
One Man Knocked Down a Wall in his Basement. What He Found Still Shocks Me – Viral221, atrending.net

This one is cool simply because I didn’t have a lot of foreknowledge about it. It’s about Derinkuyu, an underground city in Turkey, constructed initially by the Phyrgians in the 8th or 7th century BCE. It was carved into the volcanic rock beneath the city and used for habitation, commerce, and defense by many groups as late as the 1920s. The article itself is mostly about the rediscovery, but the Wikipedia article about it has many other tasty tidbits of information, like the fact that it’s an underground city connected to other underground cities. It’s an entire network of underground cities! Read More
DiResta: Paper Letters – Jimmy DiResta, Make.com
This one speaks for itself. I think I need to get some heavy card and dress up either my set or NJ’s for her YouTube series about planning our wedding. You can Read More about the process and materials at Make.
Recreating Famous Photos in Miniature – Jojakim Cortis and Adrian Sonderegger – ohnetitel

Since I’ve been messing about with miniatures recently, this was a lot of fun. Famous photos from throughout history have been recreated in impressive detail in miniature by Jojakim Cortis and Adrian Sonderegger. I think the one that impresses me most is the somewhat horrifying miniature of the Concorde on fire — it’s so perfectly rendered that it’s actually a little scary to consider. The site’s navigation is strange, so you’ll need to click Personal > Ikonen to see the series. Read More