Make: Saint Walker Statuette

Used my Saint Walker model as the subject for a tutorial in class today. Blog post coming later. #mo365 #makeFollow Trevor on Instagram


Spoilers ahead, by the way, for Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #1.

My running obsession with Saint Walker, the Blue Lantern, has been documented on the site before. A couple of times. And I would LOVE a Saint Walker statuette for my desk, because it would be nice to be reminded to hope when I’m doing paperwork or lesson prep at midnight (the way I have been all this past week). Part of me would like to just buy one, but I’m really not thrilled with the available options. And besides, none of the options available show me the Saint Walker I’d like to see. I want the raging badass who climbed a mountain during the apocalypse and shouted down God and will gladly face down any foe, with a little bit of whimsy thrown in. Kind of like this

Get ready to be punched. Via Comic Vine.
Get ready to be punched. Via Comic Vine.

with a little bit of this thrown in

Saint Walker from Green Lantern: The Animated Series. Via GLTAS wiki.
Saint Walker from Green Lantern: The Animated Series. Via GLTAS wiki.

But more realistic, like he could be in a movie.

I haven’t worked on it in some time. I’ve had a lot of other projects on the go, but since I was teaching some 3D modelling in class today, I thought I’d pull the model out as an exemplar. But when I did, I wasn’t particularly enamored with what I saw:

Click to expand.
Click to expand.

It’s soft. Like someone took the TAS version and sanded off all the edges. And there’s no life, no history in that face. There’s no tragedy, no loss of home and family, no loss and reaffirmation of faith. No resolution in the face of tragedy. It needed age, scarring, texture. It needed more.

Click for larger image.
Click for larger image.

It’s a little much now — has to be blended a bit — but it’s much more alive than it was before. I’m not entirely sure how much of the detail will be maintained once it’s printed on the Projet at Imagine Space, but I’m excited with how it’s shaping up so far.

It’s also making me think about how I might go about making a Saint Walker costume for a con. It’s not something that’s done often, and it’s certainly something I think I can improve on.

More to come. Stay tuned.

And, as always, folks, paddle your own canoe.

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