It’s been since before Christmas that I blogged a blog. So here I am, letting you know that I have not, in fact, died. In fact, I’ve been pretty busy.
Over the Holidays
I went to Costa Rica. Be jealous.
This is in the jungle, on the side of a mountain, within sight of the Pacific, in the middle of nowhere on the Nicoya peninsula. While I was there, I had some beer and met a dog.
Oh, and a pig.
I got back at about 2 AM Dec. 30th and spent New Year’s with my favourite lady.
Oh hey, yeah, I’m back at school. Taking a couple of classes to upgrade. The Reader’s Digest version is as follows: a mediocre undergrad was followed by a BEd in which I did some work I was pretty proud of. Said BEd has no grades–it was a pass/fail program with an occasional course with honours. During my BEd, I found a reason to pursue a Master’s in Ed. I got excellent references and put together a quality letter of intent. Turned out, only the grades mattered. So I’m taking some poli sci (finally!) and history (of Ontario, specifically) courses in order to boost my grades to reapply.
I’m having fun. School is great. And the fact is, I can do these courses while still doing
Tutoring at a local high school’s after-school program, doing athletics programming, and now a university prep course. May be adding to that sometime soon. We shall see. I can always use more monies.
I’m also becoming increasingly involved with the Liberal Party and the Ottawa-West Nepean Young Liberals. Just went to the Biennial Convention, had a meeting with the federal riding association, and launched the youth club’s new website. Still needs some work but it’s on its way.
Creative Stuff
This blog, of course! Have a couple of stories in the pipe.
I’m shuttering the Bent website. It’s run its course. It’s been backed up and saved for posterity but I just do not care about being an entertainment journalist. I’m not. I can be a commentator here, or on Bent, which will continue (just hosted using free solutions instead of paid ones). Kev and I are discussing ways to reinvent it, but the likelihood will be just getting episodes out once or twice a month and continuing the way we have been.
Throw It Against the Wall will continue to continue, as Natalie Joy and I continue to have things to talk about!
I applied for a grant to write a play recently. If I get it, I’ll be working on that. If not, I shan’t for the time being, and I’ll look for other ways to buy time. I could, of course, just do it, but the way it’s planned, it’s a big undertaking and I’ll need to be able to dedicate fairly substantial chunks of time to it.
I also have started poking at a script for a video game that has pretty much been in development, in one form or another, since eighth grade. It’s jumped from book to video to graphic novel to RPG. As it’s pretty early (i.e. NOT YET WORTH TALKING ABOUT) I will share this image and then put it away until I have something substantial to share.

I am still very much alive. And looking forward to getting some stories back here in the spillway.
Paddle your own canoe, everybody.