Well, it was, but not the Ultron we’re going to get in Avengers 2.
When I posted earlier this week about how slick and not Transformers-y the new Ultron design was, I referenced this image:
Well, I had pretty well ignored the fact that right below that picture was this one:

My motivated thinking led me to believe that this was a dressed-up image for the big splashy cover, a way to get the Transformers audience on board, instead of being the actual Ultron design. But alas, no luck. A little bit of searching revealed that the image of Ultron from the other day’s post was a ‘shop of this image:

The Sideshow Collectibles poly statue features either Vision’s head or Ant-Man’s in Ultron’s steely grip — but not Iron Man’s.

Curse you, Moviepilot. You had my hopes up.
Thanks to Jeffrey Lyles’ great post for the info and photos.